The Nyluru

The nyluru are one of the native species of Issao. Aloof and often down to earth, the nyluru are hard to faze. Unexpectedly, there's more to their unflappable attitude than meets the eye. Although created by the god of emotion, the nyluru are the only intalli species unable to experience pain.


The Nyluru are large, chubby creatures. Their head is broad with a blunt snout while their tails are large and flattened. They possess fin-like membranes on their back, legs, and tail, with some individuals growing large head fins as well. Long barbels sprout from their head, usually either above the eyes or from the snout. These barbels possess taste buds and allow them to detect food sources while underwater.

The nyluru are semi-aquatic and are able to breathe through their soft, slimy skin. The mucus produced from their skin is anti-bacterial and significantly lowers infection rates from injury. A nyluru can hold their breath for up to 4 hours but will rarely ever venture into deep waters. They are physically unable to handle saltwater and will easily succumb to dehydration.



The nyluru are incapable of experiencing pain or extreme temperatures. When facing injury or illness, a nyluru will only feel the slightest discomfort. This has dulled the majority of their senses and leaves them highly vulnerable to minor injuries and infections.

Ecology and Behavior

Reproduction and Life Cycle


  • Nyluru are physically mature and considered as adults at 17. Ignoring infant and child mortality rates, nyluru have a life expectancy of 60 and a lifespan of 100.

    Social Structure

  • TBD


    Nyluru are hypercarnivorous, with amphibians and fish making up the majority of their diet. Traditionally, nyluru are ambush predators, luring in prey with the movements of their barbels before swallowing them whole.



    Psychology and Culture

    Ideals and Instincts

  • TBD
  • Customs and Traditions

  • TBD
  • Trivia

  • TBD