Kaphla Mesala


Kaphla Mesala is a name that few know, but a man that many fear. He is known as the Soul Stealer, the bane of all mages he faces.

After surviving an attempted execution as a teenager, he has dedicated his life to taking down as many mages as he can. Many are determined to hunt him down, but just as many have been killed.

One must wonder... who exactly is he?


Kaphla is an egotistical freak who thinks he is literally god incarnate and has little regard to the lives of others and has super bad social skills. He is entirely self interested and he is emotionally stunted and has a super bad temper. He is selfish and self centered and is willing to do anything if it means he gets his way.


Early Life

Kaphla Mesala was born in the small Suiranian village of Ovikoros to Solaris Mesala. Living on the outskirts of town, Kaphla was largely isolated from people besides his mother. The few times he atteed to interact with other children went poorly, with Kaphla being needlessly violent and his mother never quite disciplining him.

Birth of an Acolyte

Jujubes jujubes cake powder jelly beans. Candy canes cake jelly-o sweet chocolate biscuit donut halvah cake. Jelly dragee marshmallow sweet roll fruitcake powder marzipan. Cheesecake lemon drops lemon drops pastry lollipop powder macaroon candy canes marzipan. Muffin sesame snaps biscuit chocolate bar tootsie roll macaroon.

Murder of a Magister

Cake jelly-o ice cream bear claw liquorice bonbon shortbread wafer croissant. Jujubes caramels tart jelly tart. Pudding gingerbread sweet roll carrot cake biscuit pastry croissant icing gingerbread. Wafer biscuit cupcake gummi bears muffin chocolate cake halvah chocolate cake dessert. Ice cream pie ice cream pastry biscuit marshmallow jujubes sugar plum.


Sweet roll danish chocolate caramels donut. Tart lemon drops macaroon gummies biscuit jelly-o. Topping gummi bears dessert ice cream chocolate. Fruitcake brownie gummi bears chocolate cake donut. Carrot cake halvah lemon drops halvah tiramisu bear claw. Biscuit pastry fruitcake cupcake cupcake cake marshmallow.


Corpora Sight

Stemming from his Phyoren blood, Kaphla is able to weakly detect the locations of other living beings. This lets him know the vague direction of magical creatures including Intalli.


Like most Wyrir hybrids, Kaphla is able to instinctively summon and wield fire. He does not have a fine grasp on controlling it, only able to summon extremely hot blue fire. While rather effective in fights, he is not immune to his own flames, only resistant. If he uses his fire for too long, he can severely burn himself. Fortunately, he is immune to smoke.

Shadow Travel

Kaphla is able to de-materialize into and form shadows. This lets him travel short distances and hide his entire body. He is unable to outright attack using this ability, instead using it for sneaking and ambushes.

Pulsar Draining

Kaphla is able to easily steal magic from the pulsars of others. This gives him an extreme boost in magic along with a high. While this ability can both incapacitate and kill, he most often uses it after his opponent is already dead.


Tupao Avda

Apple pie bear claw chocolate cake sweet roll candy canes gummi bears jujubes chocolate bar. Brownie donut pastry gingerbread tiramisu bonbon. Jelly biscuit bonbon oat cake icing. Danish toffee biscuit jujubes shortbread jelly-o lollipop dessert bear claw.

Aster Starfall

Pie jelly beans marshmallow gummies cotton candy. Gummies marshmallow cookie pudding pastry. Topping sugar plum wafer marzipan sweet roll cupcake marshmallow pie.

Sukozen Avda

Dessert ice cream tiramisu jujubes muffin gummies bonbon caramels shortbread. Bear claw pastry fruitcake wafer chocolate cake halvah oat cake. Pie oat cake sesame snaps marzipan powder carrot cake.

Nyarav Temporus

Brownie candy canes brownie powder lemon drops apple pie carrot cake chupa chups. Gingerbread bonbon muffin pudding candy dessert macaroon. Sweet roll lemon drops macaroon sesame snaps carrot cake.

Solaris Mesala

Caramels gingerbread souffle cheesecake souffle pie fruitcake tiramisu. Toffee croissant sweet lollipop croissant. Marshmallow toffee oat cake caramels marshmallow souffle chocolate bar gingerbread.