

Bane of deidon and acolytes alike, Ha-Nel is a legendary figure in Yeilvali history- or at least, she would have been. As the formidable leader of the Starstrikers, an organization originally dedicated to the extermination of god-spirits, Ha-Nel began a long and bloody campaign against any who dared harness the magic of the deities.

While largely lost to history, the Age of the Dread Star would have been, for better or for worse, far different without her influence. She has left behind a long, if quiet legacy, most notably in the culture of Starseekers and the persecution of acolytes.


Ha-Nel is boisterous, outgoing, and depending on who you're talking to: incredibly annoying. She is naturally charismatic, able to draw others in with her bravado and her humor- even if it is a tad crude at times. She is highly confident and willing to risk life and limb on assumptions rather than facts. Although loud and opinionated, she is still highly competent and able to maintain her composure in even the most dire situations. She's far from book-smart but makes up for it with a keen intuition and impressive investigative skills.


Early Life

Ha-Nel was born in South Yeilvai to a large beluki family. She would eventually join a traveling group of Starseekers and leave her home for the north. At some point, her nephew, Su-Nel, would join her.

Age of the Dread star

During the Age of the Dread Star, Ha-Nel is the esteemed leader of the Starstrikers, an elite group of Starseekers who have dedicated their lives to purging the region of Deidon. She is well known throughout the north and is highly respected for her dedication to her cause. After a sharp increase in astrological anomalies above the skies of Yeilvai, Ha-Nel has begun to spread her hunt to acolytes as well.


Projected Reminiscence

Like all Beluki, Ha-Nel can project her memories into the minds of others. Due to a lack of use and general distaste for this ability, it is rather weak.

Magic Burst

Ha-Nel specializes in a very crude but highly effective form of spellcasting- blasts of pure magic. With the aid of her chakram as a conduit, she is able to cast highly precise and concentrated bursts. She will most often use these blasts to herd and disorient her targets until she can land a killing blow.

Blast Protection

In order to protect herself from her own explosions, Ha-Nel is equally skilled in summoning shields. She will almost always form the absolute bare minimum in terms of protection, preferring to save her magic rather than wasting it on extra defense. As a result, she faces difficulty shielding anyone but herself.

Physical Combat

Even when out of magic, Ha-Nel is a force to be reckoned with. She is able to hurl her chakram with incredible precision and strength, preferring to keep her enemies far while aiming for fatal blows. Her chakram is enchanted to return to her after it is thrown, allowing her to land long range hits without giving up her weapon. She is less experienced with hand-to-hand combat and will instinctively resort to using her teeth and claws if devoid of magic and her chakram.



Su-Nel is Ha-Nel's only nephew. Ha-Nel adores Sul and is willing to do just about anything to keep him happy and safe. Despite this, Ha-Nel is quite oblivious to Sul's anxieties and will often unknowingly pressure him into stressful situations. Ha-Nel is convinced that all Sul needs is to be pushed out of his shell. Unfortunately, Sul is too scared to tell her otherwise.


Io-Taal is one of Ha-Nel's fellow Starstrikers. Ha-Nel finds it rather difficult to take Taio seriously, often finding genuine amusement in her eccentricities. She is impressed by her abilities as a tracker and will most often pair off with her during hunts. Ultimately, though, Ha-Nel has little respect for Taio as a person.


Someone yet to speak on.


Someone yet to speak on.


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